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In 2023, 100% of all qualified suppliers were evaluated based on ESG issues


Qualified suppliers evaluated for ESG performance
Our individual and systemic approach to combating forced labour
Enel's commitment to reject any form of forced labour, slavery or human trafficking, as defined in Convention No. 29 of the International Labour Organization (ILO), is described in our Human Rights Policy. Our suppliers are constantly monitored in terms of Human Rights to identify potentially critial behaviors and apply appropriete actions in each situation.

For Enel Américas, health and safety are strategic areas, which is why these aspects are integrated into all phases of the supplier and contractor contracting process, being continuosly measured and evaluated.

Our suppliers and contractors are an integral part of our development and awareness programs, which is why they also participate in health and safety training and awareness programs. The Group's objective is to increase risk awareness and promote responsible behavior to ensure that operations are carried out to high quality standards and accident free.