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Reduction of emissions
Specific CO2 emissions Scope 1 (gCO2/kWh)
Reduction of specific SO2 emissions (%) (vs base year 2017)
Reduction of specific NOx emissions (%) (vs base year 2017)
Reduction of specific dust emissions (%) (vs base year 2017)

The fight against climate change is one of the Company's main challenges, which is why we have defined specific actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improving air quality in the areas in which we operate. focusing on developing our renewable capacity and sale of our thermal plants in Argentina, Brazil and Peru.

Specific CO2 emissions from the Scope 1 Generation business have been reduced to 78 gCO2eq/kWh, 77% less than in 2017, confirming the progress made contributing to the Enel Group's objectives.

Specific emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were 0.17 g/kWheq (6% less than in 2017), while specific emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) were 0.09 g/kWheq (68% less than in 2017) and particulate matter emissions were 0.007 g/kWheq (35% less than in 2017).

Reduction of requirement Water-specific1
(1) vs base year 2017

The responsible use of water is essential to protect natural ecosystems and guarantee the well-being of all who live in those ecosystems, as well as the success of our business.

The Group uses water for industrial power generation purposes. The specific extraction for the year 2023 was 0.08 liters/kWh, 11% less compared to the previous year.

Total water withdrawals for industrial processes and closed-cycle cooling were approximately 4.1 million m3 in 2023, presenting a decrease of around 16% compared to 2022, due to the decrease in thermal energy generation.

Project WaVE

The WaVE (Water Value Enhancement) project evaluates the use of water in our electricity generation plants, with the aim of reducing its consumption throughout the production process and using the resource more efficiently, through specific and innovative measures, particularly in areas with water stress.


The circular economy is an accelerator of growth along the entire value chain. A circular approach makes it possible to reduce both waste and the use of finite natural resources, while maintaining the value of goods and materials. In this way, we generate benefits for the environment related not only to the reduction of emissions along the value chain, but more generally to the mitigation of all types of impacts, from the consumption of water and other natural resources to the production of waste and the loss of biodiversity.

As a strategic accelerator of our sustainable business model in the circular economy, Enel Américas has defined an action plan focused on four axes: 

  • Cultural change management; 
  • Linkage with the ecosystem; 
  • Transformation of the value chain; and
  • Circularity metrics.
Circularity across the value chain

To adopt the circular economy systemically, Enel is taking integrated measures in all business areas, involving suppliers and customers, in order to have an effective and structured approach to redesign our business model.

The main areas of action refer to relationships with suppliers, asset management and customer management.


Preserving ecosystems, including both flora and fauna, is equivalent to honoring and valuing life, as well as the natural and cultural legacy of the Earth. At Enel, we recognize the importance of our natural capital, and therefore, we manage resources responsibly during the design, construction and operation of our production and distribution centers. In these places, where the Company carries out its activities, we focus on offering innovative services to our clients, always considering environmental protection.
The Protection of Natural Capital

Safeguarding biodiversity represents one of the strategic pillars of our company, aligning with the highest international standards and principles established in the United Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Following this direction and in accordance with the principle of No Net Loss, Enel is even more committed to forest protection under the concept of "Zero Net Deforestation", recognizing their crucial value due to the wealth of biodiversity they house and the efforts necessary for their conservation.


Renewable energy generation (% of total) In 2023
We are one of the largest renewable energy players in the region with 14.6 GW of installed capacity and we recorded a total energy production of 48.9 TWh.
Capex for the development of renewable energy generation plants
In 2023, we continue the path of strengthening investments in projects that increase the generation capacity of energy from renewable sources, allocating more than 1.3 billion USD for this purpose.